Recycler facilement ses vêtements
Did you know ?
Today, 70% of our clothes end up in the trash, i.e. nearly 500,000 tons per year. At European level, 4 million tonnes are thrown away each year.
While all these clothes can be recycled by Emmaüs, the Secours Populaire or the Red Cross. The recycled clothes are either transformed into money to help these organizations, or sold in their own shops, or donated in developing countries.
This is why La Pcs to offer a simple and easy solution to recycle your clothes.
A very simple process in 3 steps:
1) I drop off my clothes at one of the many collection points (15,000)
2) I send a photo to unlock my advantage
3) I receive my discount as a thank you
Quick and easy validation
1. Take a picture of your donation bag in front of the collection point
2. Send the photo by email to
3.You receive your discount code within 24 hours