Our ethical approach: always more, but little by little!

Rome wasn't built in a day after all... Let's take a look across the Channel to explain our point of view, including a cycle tour through the forest.
Being respectful of the environment without taking the lead and giving up your freedom and creativity, is it possible? Fortunately, yes. Let's take a little detour through athletics and the forest, if you don't mind...
Indeed at La Espace we are inspired by a technique developed by a trainer of British cyclists, Dave Brailsford, thanks to which the team has made phenomenal progress since its recruitment in 2003.
9 years later, the British team won the Tour de France for the first time; the following year she won again and the British became unbeatable in many other categories, such as the Downhill World Championships where they were unbeatable in the years 2013-2014, including the women's team. What is amazing is that his method did not consist of monastic asceticism but of a constant accumulation of small improvements. This is the so-called "marginal gains" technique: it seems like we are taking very small steps, and that the effort is negligible, but in fact it is very effective!
So yeah, that's a 9 year gap. But you don't become a champion overnight. Especially if you don't want to do violence to yourself, at the risk of becoming discouraged. As with a diet, we all know that losing weight requires a gradual change in lifestyle and not a sudden deprivation that is more frustrating than anything else.
Image credit: Jamesclear
In fact, a tree would be fine. Yes, it is by taking a little more light than the others at the start that it ends up being the tallest in the forest. In our rushed life (I'm hungry, I order something, it's over), we are tempted to want everything right away. But some things take time so they don't end up being swept away like a house of cards.
Well, let's get back to our cottons: if La Pièce is not qualified for the Olympics, we intend to place ourselves at the head of the ball, uh no, of the pack of ethical fashion in less than 9 years by progressing delicately but surely. It starts from the starting blocks: La Pcs began by paying particular attention to its raw materials, our fabrics.
The textile industry is the second most polluting industry in the world after oil because of the cultivation of water-intensive plants, pesticides, dyes, then the globalized division of labor which induces a lot of carbon emissions.
On top of all that, as there is overproduction, thousands of rolls of fabric end up in a warehouse. For our first collections, we therefore decided to choose our fabrics from intermediaries in Paris who supply us with surplus production. This is the method ofupcycling.
But that's not all: we started with fabrics made partly of synthetic fibers like polyester. For the new summer collection, we have selected materials that are even more respectful of the environment and the skin, such as cotton and linen.
And why linen, exactly? We'll explain it to you very quickly!