Image upcycling. This story of an eternal leather jacket

If you thought "késako?" when we talked about upcycling, here's an opportunity to learn more! In addition with a nice story where Claire plays the main role.
You remember, Claire is the talented stylist who joined us for the preparation of the Paris 2045 collection. You saw her on Instagram, she also does body painting... Of course we like it a lot
A story of creation in the family
Claire's grandmother introduced her to sewing by making her dolls, blankets, and one day they even made pajamas together. Claire's grandmother had mastered the art of salvage, having grown up during the war. Her fairy hands turned blouses with holes and scraps into cushions, sheets into rags, etc. She also adapted the clothes to the size of the children as they grew.
Claire also remembers making a bag for visual arts in college. It was his favorite subject. She has always loved painting, tinkering, creating.
One fine day of spring cleaning, Claire's father pulls a jacket out of the dustbin
outdated leather. Claire reacts like a vigorous meerkat and jumps at the chance to turn her into a leather pouch. It's time for the challenge. Leather cases were fashionable, very classy and pleasant to the touch. After defending her idea so that the jacket does not end up in the dump or in a flea market, far from her eager little hands for shaping, she spends a day making her kit. She retrieves the jacket's zip in addition to the leather.
"But she's freaking out, she didn't do it!" »
After several training sessions on fabric and a few tries, the result is remarkable. Claire already handled the sewing machine well. She is very proud of it. Her pencil case looks like she's been through a whole bunch of adventures already: "but no, she's not the one who made it" say her classmates. Ha!
Claire still uses her kit which is 37 years old, if you add the age of the jacket. This leather jacket was made to last, it seems.
In addition, she made babies: she made other kits to give away, especially for her brother when he started middle school. It's vintage whose history we know. We also like the mystery vintage found in thrift stores.
Upcycling is transforming a material that has been used or an item of clothing that you no longer want into a desirable object: here the kit is imbued with the sentimental value of your father's jacket by not looking much like it anymore.
Excited by this success, she also made bow ties, cotton balls from scraps of fabric to give to young parents. Today she still creates from surplus fabrics that she combines with new.
Honestly, wearing something upcycled is already cool, but when you've made it yourself, when you can tell where it comes from and it's unique, it's even better!!